
5 SEO Content Ideas for Various Types

When you hear folks talking about continuing SEO content, you can bet they’re referring to blogs. In fact, blogging is such a vital component of best practices in inbound marketing that it’s hardly worth debating at this time.

There are numerous valid reasons for this, the most essential of which being SEO. Google favors websites that update their material on a regular basis, and a blog is an excellent venue for doing so. However, if your entire SEO approach is based just on blogs, you’re missing out.

Beyond blog postings, there are possibilities to create exceptional content that provides value to your readers and generates leads.

Here are a few other things to think about.

1. Long form articles

Once upon a time, SEO and content creation best practices considered that any material greater than 500 words was doomed to fail. After all, the internet is all about squeezing information into as little space as possible; the faster it can be read, the better.

It turns out that internet readers’ reputed lack of attention isn’t as severe as digital marketers had believed. More recently, the industry has gradually realized that long-form content ranks exceptionally high – and that consumers want to read it.

Longer form articles have a clear SEO advantage; more words equal more opportunity to use keywords. However, Google prefers to rank long-form material higher because it is more likely to include more insight and hence more value.

Users who are overwhelmed by an onslaught of digital content are beginning to enjoy longer-form content.

Content that has taken the time to be extensive and well-researched is more likely to have the answers you seek than a more generic 350-word post.

2. The beginner’s guide

Blogs are excellent for keeping your website up to date by providing an engaging sequence of ‘in the moment’ information. They frequently concentrate on a tiny, specific aspect of your larger organization or sector. The trouble with this is that if you spend all of your time focused on minute details, you will often overlook the greater picture.

Creating a ‘beginner’s guide’ or a ‘how-to guide’ is a terrific approach to take you and your readers back to basics and discuss the most essential components of the subjects you cover.

The guide does not need to be specific about your services, but it should demonstrate your expertise in some way. Those working in digital marketing, for example, could be tempted to create something like “The Beginner’s Guide to Hiring a Digital Marketing” or “Everything You Need to Know About: SEO Content Writing.”

This type of content allows you to include a large number of specific, focused keywords to boost your SEO ranking.

The best thing is that you will be able to generate a large number of internal links back to the guide in the future – yet another factor that will assist your Google search ranking to grow.

3. The learning centre

The learning center, like a guide, is more of a collection of separate pages arranged around a common theme. Each page should describe and explain a specific topic, which is frequently chosen for its relevance to a specific search keyword.

Keep the most recent industry news for your blog, and concentrate on the features of your company or services that the viewer needs to know before contacting you.

The advantage of segregating this content from the rest of the website is that visitors may see ‘learning center’ (or a similarly descriptive moniker) and immediately know what they will discover. It also makes it simple to construct links across pages, resulting in an integrated learning platform.

4. Glossary/Dictionary

Is there a lot of jargon in your industry? Do you ever use language that only you and your coworkers understand? Jargon should be avoided when a simpler word would work, but if firms in a specific area may benefit from a minefield of potential material, it should be used.

Everyone enjoys a glossary since it is simple to browse through, quick to read, and easy to determine whether it has answered your question. If your industry employs a lot of jargon, why not develop a resource for people to learn it?

A glossary allows you to employ a broader range of keywords than a more narrowly focused blog topic would allow. It also opens up new possibilities for internal linking: if you utilize jargon in the future, simply link to the corresponding glossary entry.

All of these linkages are beneficial to SEO, plus they save you the time and work of clarifying phrases and concepts each time you write about them in the future.

5. Landing Page

Landing pages are standalone ‘entry points into your website that are optimized for certain search queries. Search engine users will ‘land on the page before being led to the rest of your website. They are frequently used as part of custom campaigns rather than as continual ‘evergreen’ material.

Landing pages are useful for SEO since they allow you to devote an entire page to one unique search word, increasing the likelihood of its ranking. Because it is slightly separated from the rest of the page, you have complete control over how and where the reader joins your website.

Because readers don’t spend much time on landing pages, keep the material brief and make it clear where you want them to click and what you want them to do once they’ve finished.

Need help with getting your business found online? Stridec is a top SEO agency in Singapore that can help you achieve your objectives with a structured and effective SEO programme that will get your more customers and sales. Contact us for a discussion now.