Your organization is redesigning its website, and you are in charge of the content. Isn’t it thrilling? Then your supervisor informs you that you are also in charge of search engine optimization (SEO). Suddenly, the endeavor no longer appears to be as intriguing. You are not an SEO expert. You don’t have years of SEO experience. Panic begins to set in.
Please be patient! Believe it or not, whether you’re taking over, enhancing, or just getting started with your SEO plan, the fundamentals of SEO aren’t that difficult. In reality, they are basically common sense. I’m not trying to diminish the rock stars who have made a career out of SEO skills. We require those individuals. Their knowledge is extremely significant because SEO is a science that is always changing as search engines like Google alter their algorithms.
What I mean is that you don’t need a master’s degree in SEO to ensure your website is properly optimized for organic search engine traffic. Check out these seven easy techniques to develop a solid SEO strategy:
1. Know Your Keywords
First and foremost. You won’t be able to do much unless you know what keywords your target market is using to discover solutions to problems that your firm solves. This will necessitate some research. Put yourself in the shoes of a potential customer for your product or service. How would you approach your problem-solving strategy? What would you type into your search engine? For example, if you sell organic dog food, your potential consumer is most likely concerned about her dog’s health. Perhaps her dog suffers from food allergies, and she is concerned about the chemicals and byproducts found in most dog foods. Begin your search. What websites appear? Take a look at the words in those snippets.
Words like “sensitivities,” “natural,” and “balanced” appear in my query “dog suffers food allergies.” Don’t forget to consider similar words, such as synonyms ( is your best buddy) and groups of words. Returning to our hunt for a dog with food allergies. Consider key phrase words like “food sensitivities,” “all-natural diet,” “full balanced nutrition,” and “only natural components.”
2. Write High Quality Content (Naturally)
The goal here is to leverage your marketing intuition to generate interesting content that is relevant to your target market. Valuable information includes content that answers your buyers’ queries, gives them useful insights, and educates them to be better at what they do. Remember to incorporate appropriate keywords naturally within the wonderful content you’re writing. Don’t try to stuff your pages (i.e., repeating keyword terms in your content, meta tags, Alt descriptions, and so on) to boost your site’s position. It will not improve your search ranking (in fact, it could hurt it). If search engines detect you (and they will because their bots are quite intelligent! ), they can penalize your site by decreasing its rating or even eliminating it from their index. Furthermore, it will not impress your website visitors. Who wants to read the same thing over and over again: “Are you looking for organic dog food?” Look no further if you’re seeking organic dog food. The best location to order organic dog food is from our organic dog food website.” Keep it simple—you’re writing for a specific person.
3. Use Keywords in Your Website Page URLs
Make sure you don’t overlook your page URLs because they’re crucial for SEO. This is where your keyword research can help you. For example, if a page discusses your solar finance product, the URL should be products/solar financing. Concentrate on the most popular and often searched relevant keywords. If you can’t decide between “solar finance” and “solar leasing,” go with the one that has the highest search ranking.
There are a handful of quick and simple (and free) techniques to monitor your search ranking. The first option is to utilize Google AdWords Keyword Planner. Simply enter your keywords to see how popular they have been in terms of search volume in the past. You may also utilize Google Trends, which is a really entertaining site to browse. Compare distinct keywords to get a fast graphical representation of interest over time.
4. Don’t Overlook Page Titles
It is vital to generate engaging and interesting web page titles. Make certain that they capture your target market’s attention. People will not read all of the amazing stuff below if they do not. Answering the question “What’s in it for me?” for my visitors helps me focus on what to highlight. Ask yourself, “What will they get from the content on this page, and why should they care?” After you’ve mastered it, abbreviate your title, utilize strong adjectives, and make it seductive (try a little alliteration for fun). When generating these eye-catching headlines, make sure your keyword appears in the headline (the H1) and/or the subhead (the H2). Using the solar financing example from earlier, your H1 could be “Solar Financing Made Simple.”
5. Review Every Page for Additional Keyword Placement
Go back and review what you published now that you’ve written high-quality content that your target market needs (and wants) and have attention-grabbing headlines to engage them and encourage them to read more. Look for other spots in your review where you may naturally include keywords. Can you rearrange a sentence to contain a keyword? For example, on a marketing automation page, the phrase “Identify the best customers and convert more” may be altered to “Marketing automation assists you in identifying the greatest customers and converting more.” Consider whether you can make a keyword phrase by putting a word in front of a keyword. If I had a sentence regarding “marketing campaigns” and “marketing automation” as a keyword for my page, I’d add “automated” to “marketing campaigns.” Make many runs through the review process. You might be shocked at how many possibilities you pass up the first time and even the second time.
6. Improve User Experience
This goes beyond website content, but the good user experience is becoming increasingly vital in achieving high SEO ranks. According to Robert Berris in his blog Three UX Principles That Help Your Website Do Its Job Right, “Google has evolved to place a considerably higher emphasis on sites that give quality user experiences across platforms and devices over the previous two years.” Even though traditional ranking elements remain dominant, search engine optimization is gradually becoming user optimization.” So, collaborate with your web developers to ensure that your website is simple and easy to use and that each link works and leads your visitors to the next piece of information they want.
7. Hire an Expert
As I previously stated, basic SEO is mainly common sense. However, hiring an SEO specialist to verify your site is genuinely optimized is a good idea if you can afford it. An SEO consultant or firm can analyze your website to see how it performs against your most essential keywords. They will present you with a prioritized set of action items to assist you in taking your site to the next level.
The good news is that you don’t have to be an SEO genius to ensure your website is properly positioned for organic search engine traffic. Simply apply common sense and the seven simple guidelines described above.
Need help with getting your business found online? Stridec is a top SEO agency in Singapore that can help you achieve your objectives with a structured and effective SEO programme that will get your more customers and sales. Contact us for a discussion now.