
How Long Does Search Engine Optimisation Take?

SEO has long been a tried and true marketing tactic, but determining how long it takes to see benefits is a difficult task. We anticipate speedy turnaround in a digital environment since our activities generally produce instantaneous outcomes. Search engine optimization is a long-term technique that takes time to bear fruit. It begins as a means of improving your website’s ranks and generating more leads, but it also motivates you as a business (and website) owner to improve your site’s user experience, both for prospective customers and for SEO objectives.

SEO Isn’t Only About Rankings

Rankings typically take centre stage in SEO discussions, but any reputable SEO firm understands that it’s much more than that. You’re also optimising your site for users. What effect does SEO have on the user experience? Your good rankings are unlikely to remain if your SEO strategy does not include improving user experience. Why? Because the appearance and feel of your website are important to your visitors. Users will quit in favour of a different, prettier, faster site if your site loads too slowly or isn’t straightforward to use, increasing your bounce rate, decreasing your conversion rate, and thus dropping your ranks. SEO should always be a two-way street, with the benefits of your SEO strategy benefiting your customers and their site experience as well. Users, not search engines, are the primary focus of your website.

Why Does SEO Take So Long?

Companies who are making their first foray into the world of SEO are sometimes in a precarious position. They have a brand-new website, possibly with a new domain name, high-quality content, and a lovely layout—but it’s just that. Older domains, especially those with a poor user experience, frequently outrank newer domains. Though it is unknown how much weight domain age has, older sites are often more developed and have more backlinks, generating a level of trust that Google naturally prefers. Some industries are dominated by SEO-savvy organisations, making ranking all the more difficult, which means it will take some time to achieve good results.

The SEO Implementation Process

Whether you hire another marketing firm to conduct your SEO strategy, most reputable firms will walk you through the following steps:


If you want to design an SEO strategy for a firm, you must first understand the organisation as a whole. What are your growth objectives, as asked by a professional SEO firm? What are the characteristics of your current leads, and how can you attribute them? An audit will show the present state of your website’s SEO strategy and will serve as the foundation for the implementation plan.


The audit will largely determine the next step. A site may require a complete overhaul, or it may only require a few simple site accessibility enhancements. The amount of the gap you need to cover in order to catch up has an impact on how long it takes to see benefits from your SEO efforts. You can use a variety of SEO tools, but Moz, SEMRush, Screaming Frog, and Google’s suite of analytics and webmaster tools are the ones we use the most.


Content is the most common way to build authority, whether it’s optimising existing pages or creating new ones. High-quality content is well-received by users, and when users love it, Google is bound to love it as well.


What happens once you’ve built a terrific site with amazing content is determined by your industry, objectives, and competition. The general rule of thumb here is to do what the competition is doing, but better. If you want to rank as well as your greatest competitors, you must accomplish at least as much as they do. Build up your profiles if they have a sizable social media following. If they have hundreds of pages on their website, make it a priority to expand yours. Have you gotten the picture?

The most crucial phase doesn’t deserve a number (though infinity would work if we’re being philosophically mathematical): SEO strategy never ends. Our current approach to SEO may soon be obsolete, just as your understanding of search engine optimization before reading this essay may now seem antiquated. Because Google’s algorithm is always evolving, SEO strategy must be flexible and adaptable. So, brush up on your SEO knowledge now, and keep an eye out for announcements from Google and other industry leaders.

So, What’s the Answer?

If I had to choose a number, I’d say 4-12 months. However, even if your ranking improves in 6 months, year-over-year data will provide you with the most detailed information on how your SEO strategy has impacted your traffic and leads, and will provide you with invaluable information that you can use to continue expanding your overall web presenceblue. Yes, patience is required, but if SEO is properly implemented and tracked, it will undoubtedly result in increased traffic and conversions.

Need help with getting your business found online? Stridec is a top SEO agency in Singapore that can help you achieve your objectives with a structured and effective SEO programme that will get your more customers and sales. Contact us for a discussion now.