But what if you were working with a limited advertising budget? What would you do if you wanted to save money on pay-per-click advertising?
Despite the fact that Google advertising is becoming automated, there are still ways to go around your budget constraints.
This post will focus on tactical tasks that help you save money while running successful PPC marketing campaigns. Here are five tactical digital advertising campaign ideas that make marketing and financial sense.
Make Your Targeting More Specific
Going granular simply means focusing on your ad objectives with a razor sharp focus based on your Buyer Personas and audience segmentation data. Keep in mind the 5Ws of your campaign: Who, What, When, Where, and Why.
Who: Who are the people you’re trying to reach?
What: Your target audiences’ demographic and psychological traits
When: During what hours of the day do they spend the most time online?
What is the location?
Why: Why is it important to target these people?
To gain further insights, dig deeper into other sources of consumer data, such as your email marketing or social media analytics.
Want to make sure your ad spending money is safe? Make use of first-party data. The granularity of first-party data is unrivaled.
Only run ads with a high quality score.
The quality of the design and copy of your ad materials should satisfy you and your digital marketing or PPC marketing specialists. Collaborate with your creative team to create the greatest possible advertising material.
When it comes time to upload your campaigns to Google Ads, aim for a quality score of “Above Average” from the platform.
Keep in mind that this grade is based on three factors:
CTR (Click Through Rate) Expected (CTR)
Ad relevance refers to how well your ad responds to a user’s search intent or query.
The utility and relevance of your landing page in connection to the search is referred to as landing page quality.
If your ads are scoring “Average” or “Below Average,” go back to the drawing board and tweak them before running them.
Non-performing segments should be refined and weeded out.
Campaigns for online advertising are always being improved and refined. On newly launched campaigns, it takes a week or two to see results and patterns, and by the end of the month, you’ll know whether particular portions of your targeting are performing well or not.
Examine your targeting strategy in light of your 5Ws. Change your approaches if you notice less clicks on specific audiences or demographics, as well as almost no activity at certain times of the day or on weekends.
If Search accounts for a large portion of your campaign expenditure, focus your ad campaign targeting on broad match and negative keywords.
It’s easy to want to reach out to everyone with wide match phrases, but does grabbing their attention mean converting them? Perhaps not.
Keywords that aren’t relevant are equally as crucial as keywords that are. Are consumers seeing your ads because of keywords or phrases that are related but not relevant to the context?
Keep an eye on your Google Analytics and Search Console information. Negative keyword lists let you eliminate keywords you don’t require. If you don’t keep an eye out for them, they can become a costly source of ad spend leakage.
Another option is to halt and re-start your marketing. That’s right: turn your advertisements off during moments of low activity or for specific segments. Then consider your next step.
Reallocate your budget to high-performing segments on a regular basis.
Once you’ve determined which audience groups are doing effectively and delivering PPC marketing conversions, it may be time to broaden your targeting and invest a little more money.
If you’re on a tight budget, scaling up can be difficult. To expand the reach of your campaign, treat budget reallocations like allowance increases.
Here are two recommendations:
Increase the amount of money you can spend on a monthly basis.
Increase your keyword bids to improve your chances of outranking your competitors in ads.
Tests Should Be Performed And Results Should Be Evaluated On A Cost-Effective Basis
If you’re getting a lot of clicks but not enough conversions, it’s possible that your landing pages are the problem. Check to see whether your market budget allows for A/B testing, and experiment with different sets of creatives to determine if the issue isn’t one of targeting but one of messaging.
Examine your campaign channels within the Google Ads ecosystem in relation to your goals. When compared to Display, did Search cost you less and get you more clicks and conversions? Are you satisfied with your YouTube or Google Discovery visibility?
Keep an eye on your ad reports.
The key is in the analytics data.
Although the pandemic has changed many customer behaviors (such as people working from home and being “always on”), the Audience Insights tab in Google Ads can provide useful information.
In the end, your objectives will determine how much money you spend on PPC marketing. If you’re sticking to your guns and producing solid results, you can increase your budget – or reduce your email marketing spending until the next big campaign rolls around.