
What Exactly is SEO? How to Do Ecommerce SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an important aspect of online marketing that, when done correctly, may significantly improve your traffic to interested consumers. SEO is a multifaceted “thing,” and it’s quite simple to become distracted by just one or two ranking indicators. In the process, you may lose sight of the goal and end up with less-than-ideal results. So having a strong understanding of what SEO is and isn’t can help you make better selections as you look for lower-cost strategies to drive shop growth. This article provides the fundamental knowledge you need to perform your own optimization or to ask questions of anyone you hire.

SEO expenditures can be higher than the economic return at first, but over time, SEO can be one of your least expensive ways of marketing. Because search engine optimization is mostly based on your website’s written content, it may be both time-consuming and costly. However, if you can write high-quality, in-depth articles and have the time to do so, SEO can be virtually “free.” I say “nearly free” because the value of your time should not be underestimated.

When it comes to website optimization, eCommerce provides some distinct issues. Unless you have one-of-a-kind products, hundreds or thousands of other stores sell the same items, frequently with identical product descriptions. You must discover a way to set your store apart from the competition. The wider your catalog, the more time this can take.

Is there a risk to doing SEO wrong?

There are several dangers. The worst that can happen is that Google penalizes your site for attempting to scam the system. If this occurs, your website will be removed from the search results. Undoing the damage can take months. This does not have to be done on purpose. Buying inbound links is one of the simplest ways to get into trouble. It is critical that your inbound links come from high-quality, relevant websites. Acquiring new links should also be timed. If you receive a large number of links all at once, Google may raise an alert. Spammy links can get you in a lot of trouble.

You can also degrade the user experience if you design and write for search engines rather than your customers. Increasing the number of visits to your website is simply one element of the formula for success. It may seem self-evident, but if your visitors aren’t there to buy, you don’t need them. As a result, nothing you do to increase visitors should hinder or dissuade the purchasing process. Poor-quality content and a spammy navigation tree are detrimental to the consumer experience and can reduce conversion rates.

Finally, there are technical problems that can hurt your SEO, albeit only a few are likely to result in your website being de-listed.

Gauging the success of your SEO campaigns

SEO is also frequently misunderstood. It can be measured by asking, “How do I rank for these ten terms?” However, this is the incorrect method to look at search engine traffic. The ultimate goal is to increase traffic. There are thousands, if not tens of thousands, of search queries that can result in someone seeing your website’s link and visiting it. This isn’t entirely predictable.

Search engine results are individualized, and a particular term’s rank will alter on a moment-to-moment basis based on more than 200 parameters. “Googling” your key terms from your computer in your location will frequently yield a higher SERP result. Google Search Console is a free and useful tool that shows you which queries your website appears for. It displays the average rank position as well as the click-through rates. One of the most useful free SEO tools is Google Search Console.

It can also take a long time to rank well for specific search searches. SEO is frequently the “seasoning and simmering” component of your marketing efforts. Anyone advertising SEO services or “systems” that guarantee to rocket your site to the top of the Google results should be avoided at all costs. Plan on putting in at least six months of effort before declaring success.

The best approach to analyze search engine optimization is to see if your organic traffic is increasing. A rise in traffic to your brand phrases is also an important indicator to track.

Components of an SEO campaign

An appropriately executed SEO campaign, defined as one that can endure Google’s scrutiny and algorithm adjustments, revolves around content. While all types of content, such as photographs, on-site reviews, and videos, help with SEO, written words are the most crucial. Some SEO work is done on your site, and some are done offsite.

Search engine optimization is a rather complicated process. A solid SEO effort consists of many components, but they may all be grouped into one of three areas of endeavor.

This is why I think the three-legged stool is an appropriate example. If you skip or shorten a leg, your search engine results page (SERP) will suffer.

SEO is analogous to a three-legged stool. If you skip a leg, it will fall.

Search optimization initiatives are classified into three types –

  1. Website technical enhancements – including navigation, speed, meta information, search engine submission, and more
  2. Content – both onsite and written for offsite use as part of a link campaign
  3. Links – both internal to the site and external to it (external links)

Remember that Google’s purpose is to provide the best results that answer the user’s question (query).

The goal of search optimization work is to show Google that your page is one of the best results for answering the customer’s question.

Technical requirements – Onsite SEO

While it is feasible for a poorly planned and developed website to rank well, there are specific technical requirements that increase ranks and organic traffic.

  • Your website’s speed and user experience must be maximised.
  • Navigation and on-site search should be made as simple as possible.
  • URLs, meta descriptions, page titles, robots.txt and sitemap files, and canonical links must all be valid.
  • The code must be clean, and open graph tags must be installed.
  • On-site pages must provide high-quality, authoritative content that includes relevant keywords as well as semantically related language. All blog pages should ideally be at least 500 words long. Longer is preferable.
  • Duplicate content must be dealt with.
  • The site must be safeguarded.
  • Sitemaps must be linked to the Google Search Console and the Bing Webmaster Tools.
  • An internal link strategy that connects related information in order to increase authority on a specific issue.
  • Newer criteria include correctly configured schema markup, which assists Google in defining the content on your pages. While it is not a “must have,” it is detrimental to your visibility if you do not have it.

Keep in mind that your website should be developed and created with the goal of making your customers happy and moving visitors into and through the purchasing funnel. All of SEO’s technical needs help your clients.

Content needs

Everything you do to represent your business and products is referred to as content in this context. Product descriptions, photos, videos, category descriptions, manuals, blogs, social media postings, emails, and other materials are included. The most important aspect of your website is its content, which, in addition to potentially supporting your search aims, informs, guides, and leads your viewers to purchase things from you.

Your content’s worth significantly beyond its SEO value. Good content directs the decision-making process and fosters trust. Both of which have the potential to boost conversion rates. Excellent content is being disseminated. Shared content gets your company’s name and products in front of more people. Inbound links are automatically formed when you share material.

Google also considers how visitors to your page react to it. The better the substance, the more engaged they must be. The longer time a visitor spends on your page, watching the video, inspecting all of your photographs, or even better, “adds to cart,” the more positively Google views that page as a top result to the query. Thus, inbound links may bring someone to the page, but if the visitor isn’t impressed, they rapidly leave, or “bounce,” as Google defines it. A high bounce rate is a negative indicator for SEO.

In fact, thin content can prevent your product page from getting indexed at all. The odds are stacked against you if Google sees more code than content.

I’ve seen numerous sites score well despite breaking the laws of SEO best practices because their content is fantastic.

For SEO purposes, your online store needs a large amount of high-quality content.

A decent website requires the following content:

Onsite SEO — Web text for your website, including a blog, that includes high-quality written content on themes of interest to your target audience. Copy must also meet technical standards in order to be indexed higher, but the most crucial factor is that it engages your target audience.

Offsite SEO — Articles, videos, social media content, infographics, and blog comments written by your staff on other sites that link back to yours.

Offsite SEO – Articles created on other websites that link back to yours. Even if the content was authored by your team, authorship belongs to the other site.

The challenge of ecommerce

SEO is easier if you are the brand and all of your website’s products are your brand. It is more difficult when you sell different brands because there are other stores competing for top SERP. Custom-written product descriptions are ideal for your website. If you have a vast product inventory, this might be a massive effort. In reality, ranking high for a product page is considerably more difficult than ranking high for an insightful blog post or instructive website. Not many stores, even huge ones, excel at producing excellent, one-of-a-kind product pages. They make a trade-off between brand familiarity and trust. If you don’t have that brand power, your page must go above and above to provide a wonderful experience.

Crafting a great product description page

A fantastic product page is one method for smaller businesses to stand out from the crowd, enhance their SEO, and increase conversion rates. Visitors that arrive at a wonderful page are more likely to interact with it, look about, visit other pages on the site, and make a purchase. All of these factors indicate to Google that your page is a worthwhile destination.

  • Respond to all of their inquiries. Reduce the need for customers to visit many websites to discover what they need to know before purchasing.
  • Make the product appear fantastic. Provide various perspectives, photographs with all choices, and videos whenever available.
  • Reviews. In today’s market, where purchasers want social confirmation that something is worth their money, product reviews are a “must have.”
  • It’s both attractive and functional. Your page should be clean and contain content arranged in bite-sized chunks that are easy to read.
  • Include video content. Show us an excellent video if you find one! Even better if you developed the content. If you use YouTube, have a programmer configure your site such that the description and end slide where it links to other people’s videos (which takes them off YOUR site) are not displayed.
  • Keep out irrelevant information. It is not necessary to express everything on one page. Indeed, the first law of ecommerce is that “people don’t read.” Keep your page simple and free of distractions. There is some evidence that adding up-sells and cross-sells reduces conversions. I’d put this hypothesis to the test before presuming it’s true for your audience.

Links – internal and inbound (external)

Internal links are links on your website that take a site visitor or a crawler from page to page. A well-planned internal linking strategy facilitates your visitors’ access to the information they require. It also links to similar topics and objects, which can help a page’s relevancy and search rankings.

External connections are an area in which you must take caution in order to obtain them in an intelligent and natural manner. Over time, every site will accumulate a few bad inbound links. A small number of bad links is not a major cause for concern. If you see a large number of spammy links, you must either have those inbound links deleted (contact the site owner) or disavow them. Disavow is a technique in which you inform Google that you did not want that link and that it should not be counted. It’s a feature of the Google Search Console.

Why do you need inbound links if your website has excellent content and is technically sound? Inbound links are considered by Google to be the equivalent of a product review. Someone else believes that your website adequately answers the specific query. The more “sites” that believe you have the best answer, the more validation you will receive. While Google’s algorithms are constantly changing, the importance of inbound links remains one of the most important factors in SERP ranking. As a result, it is also a vulnerable area for abusive practices. Google is aware of this, which is why the caliber of the people who link to you is important.

After more than 8 years of SEO work, I’ve discovered that by following this one rule for inbound links, websites can withstand the many Google changes and avoid being penalized.

Rule of Thumb: Ask yourself, “Would a visitor to this site who clicked on this link be interested in the linked page?” ” Traffic to your website is useless if it is not interested in what you have to offer. Create links in places where your target audience is likely to be interested in your content and products. When the topic isn’t relevant, stay away.

  • Quality inbound links, defined by Google as reputable and trusted, are still among the most important factors determining how well your site will rank.
  • Google may penalise your site if it receives links from low-quality sources.
  • A wide variety of forms of links – which includes a variety of sites, linking keywords, image and video links, follow and no-follow links that follow a “natural” pattern should be included.
  • Social media inbound connections and content sharing also factor in.

Need help with getting your business found online? Stridec is a top SEO agency in Singapore that can help you achieve your objectives with a structured and effective SEO programme that will get your more customers and sales. Contact us for a discussion now.