Solution – Search engine optimization (SEO) on a technical level

Stridec concentrated mostly on technical SEO for this national retailer

The client's development and staging sites were ungated and indexed by Google, resulting in a tremendous amount of duplicate content on the internet.

Solution – Search engine optimization (SEO) on a technical level

Stridec concentrated mostly on technical SEO for this national retailer due to the severity of the technical issues discovered on the client's website.

The client's development and staging sites were ungated and indexed by Google, resulting in a tremendous amount of duplicate content on the internet. Not only was this bad for SEO, but it also allowed competitors to see the site's future plans and potential customers to seek for sales and better offers instead of making an immediate purchase. Approximately 33,900 duplicate pages were removed as a result of our technical SEO procedure.

Furthermore, due to technical configuration concerns, the online pages were loading slowly. Stridec provided technical consultation and advice on a range of aspects that resulted in a 34 percent reduction in page load time (for example, deleting unneeded JavaScript that was loading on every page of the site).

Within 15 weeks, the numerous technical SEO measures turned organic traffic around, going from a 9.67 percent YoY loss to a 4.8 percent YoY growth (along with 34,145 new ranking keywords).

The result was a 30.2 percent increase in organic monthly revenue year over year, resulting in millions in more monthly revenue for our client.