You've probably heard of E-A-T unless you're completely new to the search industry. Despite the fact that the concept has been around since 2014, it has gradually become one of the most important aspects of SEO.
Unfortunately, it is also one of the most perplexing — even for industry insiders.
So, what exactly is E-A-T SEO? Continue reading to learn what it is, why it matters, and how it affects your SEO efforts.
Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness are abbreviated as E-A-T. The idea stems from Google's Search Quality Rater guidelines, and it gained popularity following the infamous Medic Update in August 2018. E-A-T is one of the factors that Google considers when determining the overall quality of a web page.
Key Points
Page quality, as you might expect, has a significant impact on where a page ranks in Google organic search results. According to Google's guidelines, the most important factors used to determine the overall quality of a web page are:
So, all else being equal, the higher a page ranks, the more it demonstrates expertise, authority, and trustworthiness.
Now that we've answered the question "What is E-A-T?" let's look at how Google determines a page's E-A-T. At a high level, the Google search quality evaluator guidelines list three primary components:
E-A-T is essentially Google's attempt to ensure that it returns accurate, truthful, and useful information to searchers. Anyone can make a website and publish anything they want on it. You don't have to be a doctor or have a finance degree to start a medical information website or write about investing.
Of course, this is a good thing in some ways. It does, however, pose a problem for Google. People make important decisions based on the information they find in search results. As a result, Google strives to ensure that those decisions are based on the most reliable information available.
As a result, Google considers the individual creator of page content, the content itself, and the entire website's expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. A thorough medical article written by an experienced doctor on the Mayo Clinic website is far more valuable in Google's eyes than a random blog post dispensing unverified medical advice.
Google understands that E-A-T will appear differently depending on the type of website. Expertise on a gossip site is very different from expertise on a news site. They also recognise that someone can have expertise in a field even if they haven't received formal training in it. The QRG's Google E-A-T guidelines are summarised below:
Guidelines for Google Quality Raters:
"Some subjects necessitate less formal knowledge. Many people write extremely detailed, helpful product or restaurant reviews. Many people share advice and personal experiences on forums, blogs, and other online communities. These ordinary people may be regarded as experts in areas where they have firsthand experience. If it appears that the person creating the content has the type and amount of life experience that qualifies him or her as a "expert" on the topic, we will value this "everyday expertise" and will not penalise the person/webpage/website for lacking "formal" education or training in the field."
That being said, there is one type of website E-A-T SEO that Google truly values: Your Money or Your Life.
YMYL is an acronym that stands for "Your Money or Your Life." This acronym is used by Google as a guiding principle when categorising pages that affect your finances, health, safety, and/or happiness.
Because of the subject matter and the consequences for a user if that information is misrepresented, YMYL sites are held to the highest possible E-A-T standards.
Google claims that:
Because low-quality YMYL pages can have a negative impact on a person's happiness, health, financial stability, or safety, we have very high Page Quality rating standards for YMYL pages.
The following pages are frequently referred to as YMYL:
Depending on the context or how the information is presented, the list may also include more subjective topics and content. Parenting information, housing or remodelling information, researching schools or colleges, finding employment, or fitness, nutrition, or weight loss information are examples of such items.
Google understands that a person's life can be changed by what they read online. As a result, a poor source of information in Google search results can have serious consequences.
If your web pages or content fall into any of these YMYL categories, you must proceed with caution. Make it abundantly clear that it was written by people in positions of authority.
The more you can follow and apply the E-A-T standards to your content, the better your chances of organic search engine visibility and ranking success.
E-A-T is not a direct Google ranking factor in terms of measurable metrics. However, Google uses other signals to determine expertise, authority, and trust, which are ranking factors.
Google published a white paper titled "How Google Fights Disinformation" in February 2019 that emphasises the importance of E-A-T in its rankings. Furthermore, in the most recent version of its Search Quality Rater Guidelines, Google mentions "E-A-T" 137 times. As a result, it's clear that it's an important concept.
However, there is no single metric that can be used to calculate a Google E-A-T score. It instead assesses other, measurable factors that indicate the quality of authors, web pages, websites, and brands.
The overarching procedure is as follows. Search quality raters assess and measure the quality of websites, and the feedback is used to improve the Google algorithm. Furthermore, Google's algorithm can clearly measure the signals that are associated with E-A-T. (e.g., backlinks).
According to Danny Sullivan (@dannysullivan), Google's Public Liaison of Search, on October 11, 2019:
How to Boost E-A-T SEO
Unless your website's content is static, there's a good chance you have pages with information that is either obsolete or outdated.
Maintain as much of your content as possible with the most up-to-date information. This is especially true if your website contains pages with time-sensitive information, such as news. Consider medical information, where it is critical to keep the content up to date based on the most recent medical knowledge and discoveries.
Earning and promoting online reviews for your products or services is always a good business strategy. Those same reviews contribute to your site's E-A-T in Google's eyes. A high number of positive reviews across multiple review sites (Google, Trustpilot, Facebook, Yelp, and so on) demonstrates that your company is trustworthy in the eyes of customers.
Take the time to respond to all reviews, even the negative ones, as they come in. In fact, responding to your customers' feedback will increase your trustworthiness as a brand that is both reputable and committed to keeping its customers happy.
Google recently released an update to its product reviews. The update aims to promote review content that goes beyond the typical templated information found on the internet today. Google has stated that it will prioritise these improved types of product reviews in its search results rankings.
"The overall goal is to provide users with content that provides insightful analysis and original research and is written by experts or enthusiasts who are well-versed in the subject."
Google appreciates expert content. They appear to favor content created by someone who possesses the necessary credentials or qualifications. If your site is in YMYL territory, expertly sourced materials are especially important. This is why many of the most popular health information websites (Healthline, Verywell, and so on) have their content written or reviewed by medical professionals, or both.
You can improve your site's E-A-T by collaborating with contributors who have extensive real-world experience and credentials to back up their knowledge.
From an E-A-T standpoint, "hiring experts" does not imply hiring a copywriter who can write about a topic but has no actual experience in the field.
Do not simply refer to your authors as professionals without first demonstrating their level of expertise. Verify their credentials and post them alongside the content they create on your website. You should also include links to the authors' websites and social media handles to assist Google in determining the entities behind your content.
Your experts should also be listed on pages that describe the people behind your website, such as About, Team, and Contributors. Don't be afraid to brag about the writer's credentials.
If your writers have credentials, accreditations, degrees, or have put in the time to be recognised as an authority in a specific field, your brand has earned the right to tell people (and Google) about it.
Anything related to your area of expertise is fair game:
This may seem insignificant, but displaying your contact information on your website demonstrates that you are a real company with real people. Websites that do not provide contact information are probably uninterested in their audience.
Include all of the ways people can contact you on your website, as well as your company's physical address.
Having a Wikipedia page, believe it or not, can help your site's SEO for two reasons.
First and foremost, Wikipedia has a strict editorial process. As a result, a backlink from this domain to your website can be interpreted as a vote of confidence.
Second, a Wikipedia page allows you to further establish your brand as an authority in your industry. You can discuss your achievements, include links to notable news publications, and more. Your Wikipedia page provides Google with yet another indication that your brand is legitimate.
Auditing your brand will strengthen the foundation for its trustworthiness, in addition to being good general business practise. Examine how your brand is perceived in your industry and look for specific ways to improve that perception.
Examine your company's online presence, including search results. Do you have access to your websites, blogs, and social media profiles? What about third-party publications, association websites, community service, and the press?
Consider the What is E-A-T section of this post. Do you have all of the signals that Google seeks?
If your audit reveals a few flaws, devise a strategy for improving your brand's visibility. The goal is to reposition your brand by emphasizing its expertise, authority, and dependability.
Unless your website is brand new, you most likely have some existing content, such as blog posts, articles, reports, case studies, data sheets, white papers, lookbooks, and so on. Conduct a content audit to ensure that everything you've published over the years complies with EAT guidelines.
There are three options for each page:
For example, suppose you have a blog post from four years ago. If the information is out of date, update it so that it is current for your target audience. Or is it completely out of date, not generating traffic or conversions, and therefore not worth updating? Then remove it. To make the page more valuable, if it's a really thin blog post, either significantly beef it up or merge it with other related blog posts.
Just keep in mind to use proper 301 redirects when deleting and combining pages.
Creating consistent content is an excellent way to establish your authority. Effective content marketing allows you to demonstrate your expert knowledge in tangible ways, whether you're blogging, podcasting, or creating videos.
The challenge, of course, is that creating good content on a regular basis requires a significant amount of effort. As a result, a content creation framework is required. As a marketer, you need a defined, repeatable process that you and your team can use to consistently create high-value content.
Your framework should include a content calendar that includes the following items:
It is much easier to reap the benefits of content marketing while improving efficiencies when you have a defined framework in place.
It is certainly permissible to include advertisements on your website. Google is aware of this — and frequently benefits from it.
However, if you have an excessive number of ads, especially if those ads have a negative impact on the reading experience, be cautious. Too many advertisements can give the impression that your website is biassed and untrustworthy. Users may believe that everything is sponsored or compensated, which may cause them to lose trust in your content.
It is not enough to simply create great content, though this is necessary. After you've created it, you'll need to promote it to the appropriate audience. And that is unlikely to happen unless proactive outreach is undertaken.
Share it on social media, email it to your list, optimise it to rank higher in search, and collaborate with others.
A broader, deeper, and more robust application of E-A-T to identify speakers, authors, websites, and brands is likely in the future.
For example, Google was granted a patent in 2020 called "Speaker Identification," which aids in the identification of specific speakers using speech recognition technology. This could be used in the future with YouTube videos, webinar recordings, and media interviews. And this is most likely only the tip of the iceberg.
The Search algorithm will continue to evolve over time as a result of broad core updates and micro-adjustments. Google's goal, however, remains the same. To that end, the Google algorithm is constantly improving at determining what people are searching for and providing them with the most relevant results.
This mission is perfectly aligned with Google's E-A-T.
Your SEO efforts will be more likely to succeed if you understand what your audience wants and can deliver it to them in an expert, authoritative, and trustworthy manner.
If E-A-T is one of your core frameworks for SEO, you'll always be in a good position to succeed.
What exactly is E-A-T?
Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness are abbreviated as E-A-T. The idea stems from Google's Search Quality Rater guidelines, and it gained popularity following the infamous Medic Update in August 2018. E-A-T is one of the factors that Google considers when determining the overall quality of a web page.
What is the significance of E-A-T in SEO?
E-A-T assists in determining whether a website and its individual pages are reliable sources of information on a specific subject that provide real value to users.